Membership Application Card Instructions:

There are three options for Local 37 Members to obtain a Union card: 

  1. Visit the CUPE Local 37 office for a paper application
  2. Speak to your Shop Steward to obtain a paper application
  3. Request to have a paper application sent to you via internal mail. If you would like a Membership card mailed to you – please contact the Local 37 office to provide your internal mail code for your work unit

Once you obtain a paper application, make sure to fill in all the information, sign the back of the card and indicate how you would like to pay the one-time $5 initiation fee for the Union card. 

  • This fee can be paid via cash only at the Union office 
  • Or you can authorize CUPE Local 37 to have this amount deducted from your pay cheque – as indicated on the back of the paper application

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August 22, 2023

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January 25, 2022

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